In the heart of Limbrick Wood, a vibrant community church, a new series of sermons has begun, aptly named “Body Building.” Led by the Pastor John, this series focuses on the profound notion of building up the body. Rooted in the timeless wisdom of Ecclesiastes 3, the first message delves into the enigmatic theme of “A Time for Everything?” Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the deeper meanings behind these words and their relevance in our lives today.

Embracing the Ecclesiastes Message: Ecclesiastes, often attributed to the wise King Solomon, is a biblical book that challenges our understanding of life’s purpose and meaning. It teaches us that there is a time and season for every matter under heaven. As Pastor John brings forth this message, he encourages us to reflect upon our own lives and consider the divine timing that orchestrates our experiences.

Recognising the Cycles of Life: The sermon emphasises the cyclical nature of life, echoing the words of the ancient text. It reminds us that just as there are seasons of growth, there are also seasons of rest, times for laughter, and moments of sorrow. By acknowledging and understanding these seasons, we can find peace and wisdom in navigating the ebb and flow of life’s journey.

Building Up the Body: The central message of “Body Building” is not only about understanding the seasons of life but also about actively building up the body. In this context, the body refers to the community of believers, the church, and the wider network of relationships we nurture. Pastor John reminds us of the power of unity and the importance of supporting and strengthening one another as we journey through life.

The Importance of Fellowship: During the sermon, Pastor John emphasises the role of fellowship and community in body building. He encourages the congregation to come together, to support one another, and to share in each other’s joys and sorrows. By fostering an environment of love, acceptance, and genuine connection, Limbrick Wood Baptist Church seeks to create a space where the body can grow and thrive.

Practical Application: Pastor John concludes his message by providing practical applications of the sermon’s teachings. He suggests that we should take the time to discern the seasons in our lives, embrace them with gratitude, and actively engage with the community. By doing so, we can become catalysts for positive change and make a difference in the lives of those around us.

Invitation to Join the Journey: As “Body Building” unfolds over the coming weeks at Limbrick Wood Baptist Church, it promises to be a transformative series that touches the hearts and minds of all who attend. Each sermon will delve deeper into the theme of building up the body, exploring topics such as forgiveness, restoration, and the pursuit of holiness.

Conclusion: Limbrick Wood Baptist Church’s “Body Building” sermon series is a timely reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the significance of building up the body. Through an exploration of Ecclesiastes 3, Pastor John invites the congregation to embrace the diverse seasons of life, while fostering a sense of unity and fellowship within the community. This powerful message encourages us to actively engage with our faith, one another, and the world around us. Join us as we embark on this transformative journey of body building, growing stronger together as we navigate the seasons of life.

The everlasting God July devotional

We were created by an everlasting God.

13 Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?”

14 God said to Moses, “I am who I am.[a] This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

15 God also said to Moses, “Say to the Israelites, ‘The Lord, [b] the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.’

“This is my name forever, the name you shall call me from generation to generation Exodus 3:13-15 (NIV)

“I AM WHO I AM.”  Not I WAS or I WILL BE . . . But, I AM.

Eternal. Everlasting. Infinite. Timeless.

How can we I truly understand a God like this when all we’ve ever known are beginnings and endings? There was no beginning to Him and there is no end.  We can search, discover and learn all we can about our God but we will never come to the end of Him.  He always was and always will be.

“‘To whom will you compare me? Who is my equal?’ asks the Holy One. Have you never heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding.” Isaiah 40:25, 28 (NLT)

Because “I AM” is everlasting:

He is not limited by our problems or choices, he is not held captive by what we want him to do.

He uses circumstances in our past to impact our futures, his plans are not thwarted by what anyone else might do.

Our pain doesn’t overwhelm Him. our failure doesn’t discourage Him.

Our anger doesn’t scare Him, our questions don’t threaten Him.

Our choices don’t leave Him at a loss as to what to do.

He is greater than our circumstances, he is bigger than my problems. The question is, do we allow the everlasting God to change the way we live?

Heavenly Father, you have always been and You will always be I AM.  May we always strive to understand You.

Consider: What is God like?  Take some time to list out the characteristics of God.  What does God say about Himself in His Word? Write them down and thank Him for who He is.

With every blessing

Pastor John





It is with great pleasure can announce that John Bernard has accepted the call the come and serve as Minister at Limbrick Wood Baptist Church.

John and his wife Cloda will be joining us in April 2023 and will take up residence in the Manse.

John’s first Sunday preaching with us will be on Palm Sunday, and there will be a special induction service for him on Saturday May 20th – more details to come.

Do please pray for them and the church that they are leaving behind as God raises up His people to see His Kingdom come and His will be done.

This series is also underpinned by our motto verse from Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.





If you intend to come to LWBC on a Sunday morning it will be great to see you, but please can we encourage you to take a look at our Risk Assessment webpage before coming so you understand what we are all doing to look after each other.




– Thank you.


Since the first, second and third lockdowns have ended we have looked at the guidance and the law and have revised our Risk Assessment to include these changes.


Quick Guide for Church Attendees

  • We will have a COVID-Secure area at the back of church
  • Please take a card if you wish for a socially distanced seating area so that the seat next to you remains unoccupied
  • Respect other peoples choices over social distancing etc
  • The sign in sheet is now at your own request
  • Bring your own cold drinks
  • Return empty cups to the set out table so that they can be collected
  • It is no longer the law to wear face masks but you can if you would like to
  • Singing is allowed
  • There is no longer a one way system
  • Legal requirements for social distancing will no longer apply and you will not need to stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with
  • Tea and Coffee will be provided after the service

That’s it really…


If you don’t know, we must legally have a ‘Risk Assessment (RA)’ in place that is sufficient for the risk of opening a church building (this was first completed on Wednesday 1st July 2020 with further reviews completed on the 17.07.20, 04.08.20, 21.08.20, 29.09.20, 16.10.20, 07.01.2021,  10.04.21, and now the 20th July 2021). We must follow the guidance we have proposed.

Please read and familiarise yourself with our full Risk Assessment (RA) updated 20.07.2021, please click here.



If you intend to come to LWBC on a Sunday morning it will be great to see you, but please can we encourage you to take a look at our Risk Assessment webpage before coming so you understand the one way system and what we are all doing to look after each other.

There are some easy read bullet points if you would like just a quick overview, and also link to a copy of our latest RA with the changes highlighted in yellow so you can easily see the updates.




– Thank you.

This new series takes us up to Easter 2021

The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.

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This week we consider what the Fruit of the Spirit looks like compared to the Gifts of the Spirit, and how these are both rooted in love, and demonstrated to us by Jesus Himself.

We will be live on YouTube from 9.30am



For more videos in this series please see our playlist

At the tail end of 2020 a number of us felt a calling to pray and fast together as a whole church.

da questo sito

As we start a new series “Being Jesus” it felt like the timing was right for the whole church to be invited to fast and pray – there are many things that need soaking in prayer and Ade has offered to lead us through this week with daily prayer points and bible passages to read and pray through.


You can now sign up for our February Fast, see our sign up page for more details –


Our building will be open for services as normal on a Sunday Morning unless there is any change within Government.

Please make sure you have read and understood our risk assessment before coming along, it is all fairly common sense stuff, but we must be clear on how we are being COVID-Secure.

Our latest info can be found by click this link.


We are also still STREAMING via Facebook and YouTube each Sunday at 9.30am.


If you haven’t signed up for our weekly newsletter and other info yet please click here – it takes less than 1 minute




Our building will be closed for services on a Sunday Morning until December 6 unless there is any change within Government, but…

Church is still here… still gathering, still praying, still worshipping, still serving the community, still breaking bread, still welcoming new people/members, still caring for those in the church and community that are lonely, isolated and shielding, still doing mission, still showing love, still reaching out to the world with good news, still doing youth work and children’s work, still seeking God for His plans, still singing when the evening comes!!

…and we are still STREAMING via Facebook and YouTube each Sunday at 9.30am.


If you haven’t signed up for our weekly newsletter and other info yet please click here – it takes less than 1 minute



The really good news is that with the recent Tier 2 restrictions coming in to place at 00.01 24th October 2020 for Coventry, there is almost nothing that changes for church and the service will be at the normal time of 10.45am this Sunday morning.

Generally speaking the only thing that affects us is that we can no longer ‘mix’ indoors… 

  • we CAN still sit where we usually sit
  • we CAN have the service as we usually have it
  • we can NOT mingle and ‘catch up’ after the service whilst we are inside. If people want to have a natter then this is fine but must be done outside (and in groups no bigger than 6).

That’s it really… all our health and safety measures are perfect for keeping everyone as safe as is possible, allowing us to be able to worship together! Praise God.


Our Risk Assessment

If you haven’t caught up with our latest Risk Assessment (updated 23rd October 2020), please click here – this has worked really well over the last few months and continues to guide us well.

We have also put together a quick guide of this Risk Assessment on our website which includes the practical steps we all need to take. Note not everyone may be as comfortable as you are with gathering, so please maintain the correct margin of social distancing.

This page also includes a plan to show the flow of traffic through the building.




Opening Times

Limbrick Wood Baptist Church is open every Monday and Wednesday 9.30am to 11.00am over the summer holiday (see how to register your children below) – If you want a quick tour of the building and what is on offer please see our facebook link from the first Monday morning –

FREE Summer Giveaway

This summer we are part of a number of hubs giving away FREE breakfast packs each week to families who are in greatest need.

You will need to register to get a pack for each child (1 pack contains all the items in the header photo for 5 days – it is very good and you can get this for all your children for 5 weeks!!)

This is a Coventry citywide project run by Coventry City Council working in partnership with voluntary, community and other organisations to create an emergency food network.

Packs are given away on a weekly basis and you need to register at one of the hubs – see this page for more details –

How to Register with us

To register with us at LWBC in Tile Hill and to collect your weekly packs at Limbrick Wood Baptist Church, you can come on Monday and Wednesday mornings 9:30am- 11.00am and we’ll fill out the forms with you, or visit the online form making sure to select Limbrick Wood Baptist Church as the venue: – we will need proof of completing the form, so please bring a screen shot or printout of the children registered.

Once registered you can collect your boxes each week with just a simple tick box process.


If you have any questions please contact us via our Facebook Event or via our contact form.


With an ever changing landscape of compliance, legalities, safety and most importantly worship, please visit the page below, by clicking on the preview for the latest information.




Our last 4 week mini-series ‘Pliancy‘ has taken us up to the end of June where we prayed we might be able to open our church buildings again.

As church leaders around the country consider some guidance finally released by the Government, there are understandably lots of things to consider to make our buildings and how we function in them safe places. This will more than likely be a step-by-step process as we see what happens once lock down restrictions are eased.


da questo sito

As we take the next steps ourselves we will launch another 4 week mini-series this Sunday to take us through July, where we will hopefully have a clearer picture of things as we enter into August.

More details about service formats and how everyone can engage safely with these services will be announced later this week following a church leaders / advisers meeting.

Please keep a look out on this website, as well as our Social Media platforms – look for LIMBRICKWOODBC on all platforms.

It is June already and it felt like summer was well and truly with us until the thunderstorms came, but the forecast is that summer will return mid June.

We are starting a new 4 week mini series that will take us up to the 4th July when the Government will hopefully make an announcement that churches can start to gather again. Please join with us in praying that this dreadful pandemic would be wiped from the earth, but also join with us in praying that the church will learn from the fresh opportunities given during these times of lock down.

We believe the key to growing our faith is that we are not set in our ways, but that we are pliable and exercise ‘pliancy’, as is the title of this series. We want to be shaped by God by connecting with Him first and foremost in all we do, we want to be good disciples and to live the life He has called us to live before He calls us home or comes back for us.

The next 4 weeks explores these thoughts and raises some questions that we need Godly wisdom to answer.


Join us

Our services are streamed LIVE on both our Facebook page and our YouTube Channel.

Specific links are also made available via our social media pages before the streams, so you can set reminders. We tend to LIVE stream at the earlier time of 10.00am, and the videos are available to watch at anytime from 10.00am (note you can rewind to the start if you joined us late or you can catch up later)


Catch up

You can catch up on this series by clicking here



As our Pastor Darren awoke on Maundy Thursday he said there were a number of thoughts going around his mind, and these have been collated into a video that was shared with the church where possible on various social media platforms.

If you missed this video we have included it for you below with our blessings.

Do please sign up for our newsletter for the latest updates, and see other posts on this website with regards to things that are happening this over this Easter period when we are all on lock down.



We will be completing a The Bible Soceity Course that we started at the beginning of the year as part of our All age Service over the next 6 weeks.

See this page for more details and the FREE Booklet download that accompanies the video series.

***UPDATED*** At the core of Christianity we see in Acts 2:42-47 a picture of the early church:


Acts 2:42-47

The fellowship of the believers

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.


As Church Leaders at LWBC and Trustees we believe there is a place where God will honour those who honour Him. This doesn’t mean we are approaching this current situation in a foolish way – our approach is neither to panic nor be complacent, but to have that reverent fear of God above any viruses.

However, due to recent Government suggestions about meeting places to be closed, the leadership team and the trustees believe it is right and proper that we are not seen to be out of step with these suggestions, so there will be no services or gatherings until further notice.

We believe our God is greater and stronger and He is for us – but equally we want others to learn about His love too, and therefore we need to be seen to be people of respect as well.


Sunday Mornings:

With regards to the Sunday Morning teaching, we will pick up The Bible Society video series that we were doing at the All Age Service, and finish these over the next 6 Sundays. Please see this page for more details, and a FREE link to download the booklets that were originally £4.99

There will also be some live streams on Facebook – Darren and The BC Family are currently taking song requests and you can listen in during the morning and evening when they streaming live via Facebook (we understand you don’t need an account to see it – but let us know if this is incorrect) – Darren’s page can be found here: and previous videos can be found on this page via the image links below:


Finally, let us continue to encourage each other, and look for opportunities to bless others around – let us shine as people of peace full of God’s love, grace and mercy.

If anything changes we will update you – the best way to stay in touch is to sign up to our newsletter which will collate as much info as possible and share it in one go.

During the current virus situation there are a number of tools available to churches and individuals, as well as helpful and balanced information from Christian sources.

Visit this website (note it is heavily text and link orientated) This is a crowd-sourced index of useful digital communication tools for church leaders, communications teams and church staff to refer to during the coronavirus outbreak and is being updated daily, so make sure to save any information you like as it may be different the next time you go back to it.

For our latest information on COVID-19, please visit this page.

Information seems to be changing on an hourly basis, therefore we suggest you sign up to our newsletter and we will publish information as we are able to engage with it.

This newsletter will also have helpful hints and tips to still engage with church and praying for each other.



As this situation has developed we have reviewed arrangements at church and will continue to do so in line with Government Policy.

As Church Leaders we believe we have a Healer God who is bigger than any virus and as such we should continue where it is possible and legal to devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. This means that we will put on hold any organised midweek gatherings in church, but at this time, we will continue to worship on Sunday Mornings.

This doesn’t mean we are approaching this in a foolish way – our approach is neither to panic nor be complacent, but to have that reverent fear of God above any viruses.

We have looked at the current government guidelines for funeral services in churches and as such this model seems to fit our small church gatherings.

There will be no refreshments served at all on Sunday morning and people will be restricted to the main hall and the reception area where the toilet facilities are. Seating will also be laid out at a sensible distance too. If any presents as ill we would ask that they refrain from entering the building. Cleaning will take place before and after the services and we would ask people to catch coughs and sneezes and hand wash for 20 seconds with soap and water.

We will offer some live streaming of Services and if you would like to keep up to date with things at church, please complete the form below to sign up for our newsletter which will be produced regularly to keep you informed of church life. Details will also appear here, so please come back regularly for updates or see our social media pages LIMBRICKWOODBC.

Resources for 2019 have been prepared by Christians from Indonesia, the largest country in South East Asia, made up of more than 17,000 islands, 1,340 different ethnic groups and over 740 local languages, united by one national language Bahasa Indonesia. With some 86% of its 260 million people estimated to be Muslim, it has the largest Islamic population of any country. About 10% of Indonesians are Christian. Indonesians have lived by the principle of gotong royong which is to live in ‘solidarity and by collaboration’, regarding all Indonesians as brothers and sisters.

But gotong royong sits ill at ease with the neo-liberal approach to economics that has led to economic growth, and corruption infecting politics and business, often with devastating effects on the environment. Meanwhile those who are supposed to promote justice and protect the weak fail to do so. As a consequence, a country rich in resources bears the burden of many people living in poverty. Particular ethnic and religious groups are often associated with wealth in ways that have fed tensions.

The Christians of Indonesia found that the words of Deuteronomy, ‘Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue…'(see Deut. 16:18-20) spoke powerfully to their situation.

Christian Aid

Each year Christian Aid provides the Go and Do action points for each of the daily reflections – linking into the important work of Christian Aid in the relief of poverty and advocacy of justice.

Social media

Show your support for Christian Unity by posting unity messages and details of your events to our Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Twitter wall – simply add the #wpcuwall hashtag to your Twitter post (note they take 15 minutes to appear). You can also find updates about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity on Twitter by following the #wpcu2019 hashtag.


Resources for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019


Struggling to afford Christmas presents this year?

In receipt of housing benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit?

The Giving Tree Project at CCM might be able to help! We can provide presents for any children 16 and under living at your address, if you are receipt of housing and child benefit.

In order to qualify please bring evidence that you receive housing and child benefit to any of the below registration sessions (you won’t receive the gifts that day, but will be told when you can collect them).

Limbrick Wood Baptist Church, Faseman Ave, Tile Hill North, Coventry CV4 9RD.
Wednesdays 7th, 14th and 21st November 9:30am-11am

Other Venues:

Coventry City Mission, Deedmore Road, Wood End, Coventry, CV2 2AA.
Tuesdays 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th November 9.30 – 11.30am

Queens Road Baptist Church, Queens Road, Coventry, CV1 3EG.
Mondays 5th, 12th and 19th November 9:30am-11am.

There is lots happening in Coventry this weekend – see the HOPE Newsletter for more details

Dear HOPE Coventry friend,

In just over a week, up to 150,000 people will descend on Coventry for a weekend of cars, fun, and laughter. HOPE Coventry churches have come together to offer family activities and a Christian presence in the city centre – but we need YOU to come along too!

We need 6 volunteers to set up and pack down our large tents on Sat 2nd June from 7.30am-9.30am and Sun 3rd June from 4pm-5.30pm at Greyfriars Green (Warwick Road). We need 14 more volunteers to paint children’s faces for just 1 hour – if you are good at make up, the skills are transferable! Face paints are provided. Most are needed on Sun 3rd June, but also for Sat 2nd June. The Healing on the Streets team needs 6 more people willing to pray for passers by who want prayer in town between 12-3pm on Sat 2nd/Sun 3rd June. Free training at 7.30pm in Binley tomorrow night (Wed 23rd May) – text Ian on 07877 935545 or reply to this email for the address. Dozens of ambassadors are also needed for 2-3 hours over the weekend to guide visitors to Motofest, giving out programmes and information (training on the day).

To volunteer for any of the above, simply reply to this email.

Don’t forget – there is an open-air United Worship Gathering in the Hope Arena, Greyfriars Green on Sunday 3rd June 10.30-11.30am, to which all are welcome – The full Motofest events programme can be downloaded here:

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at the Motofest weekend!


Chris Edwards and Angus Ormes, on behalf of the HOPE@Motofest team

What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

Discipleship Explored helps followers of Jesus turn up the gospel soundtrack to their lives.

It goes beyond simply teaching the right moves – go to church, pray, read the Bible, share the gospel – and focuses on the music which drives discipleship: the love of Christ. The greatest love anyone can ever know.

At LWBC we are running an eight-session journey through Paul’s letter to the Philippians and is ideal for believers at any stage of the Christian life.

It is free, as per our normal format doors will open at 7.30pm for refreshments and we will start promptly at 7.45pm so we can aim to be done by 9.00pm.

Look forward to seeing you on May the 2nd for our first session.

1.       Intro: Purpose of the I.D. (Intentional Discipleship) series:

1.1.       Aimed at Christians, not unbelievers

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1.2.       Salvation not in doubt; question now is the level of fruitfulness and service we give God

1.2.1.    Luke 19:11-18 (AUDIO) different results and rewards

1.2.2.   1 Corinthians 3:10-15 (AUDIO)  as above, different results and rewards

1.3.      There will be a final outcome for everyone in LWBC, and we want to ensure as many as possible hear the words in Matthew 25:21: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”


2.       Principles

2.1.       The focus of this session is how we conduct ourselves in our relationships. We are not like the world, so as with everything we look to see what the bible says.

2.2.     Foundation for living together: the family unit. Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” This is backed up by Jesus in Matthew 19:5 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh”. This establishes the basic building block of society: a man forming a relationship with a woman to the exclusion of all others, which is  why adultery is prohibited. The modern fads of homosexuality and transgenderism are built on nothing solid, and are the product of darkened minds of unbelievers and the schemes of the devil.

2.3.     The fundamental building block is then meant to produce children. In passing, children are meant to have a mother and a father; homosexual or lesbian parents are not God’s design, and deprive children of the complementary nature of male and female parents.

2.4.     Marriage by the way is permanent; there is an outlet if a spouse has committed adultery (Matthew 5:32), but otherwise it is till death do us part. So the first principle between husbands and wives is that you stick at it, and walking out on each other is never an option.

2.5.     We need to look at what God says to husbands, wives, and children.

2.6.     Love is the key in everything 1 Corinthians 13:14 “Let all that you do be done with love”.


3.      Husbands

3.1.     Colossians 3:19 “Husbands, love your wives and do not bitter toward them”.

3.2.    Ephesians 5:22-33 … 23 For the husband is head of wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body… 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or sprinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. 30 For we are members of His body of His flesh and His bones. 31″For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great , mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself…and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

3.3.    God focuses on the things which husbands need to hear.


4.      Wives

4.1.    Colossians 3:18 “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.”

4.2.   Ephesians 5:22-33 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord… 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything…and let the wife see that she respecta her husband.

4.3.    God focuses on the things wives need to hear.







1. INTRO: Purpose of the I.D. (Intentional Discipleship) series:

1.1. Aimed at Christians, not unbelievers.

1.2. Salvation not in doubt; question now is the level of fruitfulness and service we give God

1.2.1. Luke 19:11-18 (AUDIO) different results and rewards

1.2.2. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 (AUDIO) as above, different results and rewards.

1.3. There will be a final outcome for everyone in LWBC, and we want to ensure as many as possible hear the words in Matthew 25:22 “Well done, good and faithful servant”


2. Principles

2.1. There is a fundamental divide between people: those who are God’s (us) and those who aren’t. Incidentally, we need to make sure we are on the right side – 2 Corinthians 13:5 – “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you?” – unless indeed you are disqualified.

2.2. In the world believers and unbelievers mix together as a matter of course. We are not told to avoid unbelievers entirely (1 Corinthians 5:10). This session is about how we as believers should live and conduct ourselves during our regular contact with unbelievers which isn’t just the world of work. This will cover our behaviour / actions and words.

2.3. The fundamental destiny for us is that we will be with God forever, and we are loved incredibly by Him. 1 Peter 2:9 – “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.”  Unbelievers is contrast have no covenant relationship with God and He looks on them and treats them differently from us.

2.4. God wants to demonstrate Himself to the world and we’re the ones through whom He is going to do it. Matthew 5:14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” So, the world will look at us to see what God is like.

2.5. God is also looking to expand His church and to add to it with people getting saved: 2 Peter 3:9 – “not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance” Part of His strategy  is to use us among the unbelievers we come across on a daily basis – work, leisure, shopping or any regular contact we have with people – to get them saved. We therefore need to be wise – he who wins souls is wise Proverbs 11:30 – and confident about what to say and how to actually get people saved.

2.6. God may also use us in acts of mercy or kindness, healing, revelation or other supernatural ways, not just straight gospel preaching.

2.7. God says you are to be My witnesses, not preachers: Acts 1:8 – “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth”   A witness simply tells what he or she has seen and heard and experienced, usually in answer to questions, and if we are faithful to that, God can use our individual testimony and lifestyle to point people to Him.

2.8. God has prepared things for each of us individually to do for Him. Ephesians 2:10 – ” For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”  God directs our steps and puts each of us individually in front of the people He has selected for us personally to relate to: Proverbs 3:6 – ” Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge Him. And He shall direct your paths…”  You may speak to people I will never come across and vice versa. We need to have confidence that God has directed our steps to bring us across those we come across daily.

2.9. We need to ask God for an ability to read situations and see spiritually where people are at, and which fish are biting: e.g. Acts 14:9 – Not everyone will be interested, so we need insight and direction from God as to who to go to.

2.10. We need to be bold and to ask God for boldness to say what we ought to and ask that the gospel will make headway. Ephesians 6:19-20 – “that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak” 

2.11. Salvation at the end of the day is vital and that should at least make us concerned for the unbelieving world, whether that drives us to prayer, evangelism or righteous living in front of people.

2.12. We need (in a defensive way – not everyone is an evangelist) to make sure that our lifestyle does not detract from our message.

2.13. Halfway house between direct evangelism and not giving off any negatives: always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in within you – 1 Peter 3:15 – “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defence to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”  

2.14. Find what works for you and do it – 2 Timothy 4:5
“Well i like my way of doing it better than your way of not doing it” – DL Moody

3. Working this out

3.1. Get known as a Christian as a first step.

3.2. The world can spot hypocrisy and so will look intently at us to look, if we are hypocrites. So, we need not to be.

3.3. Be known as someone whose work or work ethic backs up the gospel – would your employer / customer have anything negative to say about you?

3.4. Pray for opportunities to preach.

3.5. Intercede for those who you are amongst – ask God to convict them, and to get them seeking after Him, to give them revelation, to make them open.

3.6. What did you do at the weekend? Sometimes pushing at a door can have consequences.

3.7. Make sure we know the salvation message and if we get a 2 minute slot, what to say: Acts 16:30-31 ” And he brought them out and said:” Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” So they said: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.”

3.8. Bringing things to a head: useful questions:

  • Would you like to become a Christian?
  • Would you like to become a Christian now?

3.9. Difficult situations: unclean humour: being asked to lie e.g. secretaries; drunkenness as office culture; fiddling

3.10. Need for wisdom especially in the public sector where ideologically anti-Christian

3.11. Share things with other Christians and get them to pray for your situation / see if  they have anything helpful to say.

3.12. How do you deal with nasty people? Forgiveness; loving your enemies – make them tea but also keep your distance if difficult; don’t trust everyone, let God vindicate you.

4. Discussion points

4.1. What are the scriptural differences between us and the unbelieving world, both in terms of how God relates to us and them, and the differing ultimate destinies of both groups?

4.2. What positive experiences have you had in the workplace / among regular groups of unbelievers when sharing your faith ?

4.3. Have you got any tips for others on this whole issue?

4.4. Are there any things you think you could be doing differently?

4.5. What can we take away from this topic?

He [Christ in you, the hope of glory] is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.

Would you call yourself ‘mature in Christ’? Find yourself wanting to take that next step…? Wanting to go just that bit deeper with God…?

We are running a 9 week starter course to springboard into specific studies and practical application throughout the year.

Free to join, we start at 7.30pm for refreshments with a prompt start at 7.45pm.

If you came to our Firm Foundations course, this will follow a similar fun, factual and practical pattern, along with some activation!


1. Intro: Purpose of the I.D. (Intentional Discipleship) series:

1.1. Aimed at Christians, not unbelievers.

1.2. Salvation not in doubt; question now is the level of fruitfulness and service we give God

1.2.1. Luke 19:11-18 (Audio)  Different results and rewards

1.2.2. 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 (Audio) as above, different results and rewards

1.3. There will be a final outcome for everyone in LWBC, and we want to ensure as many as possible hear the words in Matthew 25:21 (Audio): Well done, good and faithful servant


2. Principles

2.1. Overriding principle: be attuned to God and how He may communicate with you – part of that will be through the Bible.

2.2. Your life is not your own – “For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s” 1 Corinthians 6:20 (Audio). God owns us and therefore He has the right to say what we do with our lives. We expect to be able to say what happens with anything we own; similarly re God.

2.3. Failure to accept this results in a continual battle in ourselves or with others; accepting it gives peace.

2.4. God comes first, we come second.

2.5. AW Tozer: “We can afford to suffer now; we’ll have a long eternity to enjoy ourselves”.

2.6. 2 Samuel 24:24 (Audio) “Then the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will surely buy it from you for a price; nor will I offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God with that which costs me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.”  There is a cost involved in sacrifice and we shouldn’t minimize it.

2.7. Mentality: soldiers in army: 2 Timothy 2:3 (Audio)” You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ”

2.7.1. Link with volunteering and cheerful giving mentality: we voluntarily sign up.

2.8.  Luke 9 (Audio) areas of cost.

2.8.1. “Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?” Luke 9:23-25 The world is only fleeting and offering nothing that will last forever. Cost can be anything but it will involve denial of something precious to you.

2.8.2. Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.” And Jesus said to him: “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Than He said to another: “Follow Me.” but he said “Lord, let me first go bury my father.” Jesus said to him: “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God“. And another also said: “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.” But Jesus said to him: “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for kingdom of God” . Luke 9:57-62 Home comforts, relatives, friends.

2.9. We are to be living sacrifices: Romans 12 (Audio) “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:1-2

2.10. Mental element key thing: be transformed in our minds; importance of perspective; vision drives everything – hard to sustain without it.

2.11. Rest and leisure is what comes after God’s work has been done.

3. Working this out

3.1. Time: divides into sleep, necessities, discretionary time/ leisure. How do we decide?

3.1.1. God time: spiritual growth – prayer / bible.

3.1.2. God time: service.

3.1.3. God time: practicalities – 10 hours / 6 hours / 1.5 hours.

3.2. Money – again, necessities / discretionary.

3.2.1. God: basic – church / ministries / poor and needy.

3.2.2. God – practicalities: set an amount / over and above.

3.3. People / relationships – believers v unbelievers

3.3.1. Unbelievers: moving them towards God or away from God? Evangelism / evangelist

3.3.2. Believers: going to

3.3.3. Believers: receiving from

3.3.4. Building the church and making you / others more fruitful  – deep calls to deep. Psalm 42:7 Audio

3.3.5. Avoid draining / fruitless people.

3.3.6. God’s leading.

3.3.7. Friendship – make sure they’re good for you.

3.3.8. Family – don’t be afraid to asses things as with anyone.

3.4. Leisure – not sacrosanct, an area God isn’t allowed to touch.

3.5. Importance of habits.

3.6. Make strategic decisions. re your time and money.

3.7. Surround ourselves with like-minded people.

3.7.1. Do I push people towards or away from (greater) commitment to God?

3.7.2. Average of 5 people (dead or alive).

4. Discussion points

4.1. To what extent is our life ours, from which we give God something, or the other way round?

4.2. Time: what should take priority in our lives?

4.3. Money: how should being a Christian affect what we do with money?

4.4. Relationships: should we engage with people strategically? if so, how?

4.5. Is there anything God may ask us to do that we are not comfortable with?

4.6. What can we take away from this topic to make us more fruitful?  


JANUARY 18–25, 2018

The theme for the 2018 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, “Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power,” is taken from the book of Exodus 15:6. The resources for this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity have been prepared by the churches of the Caribbean by an ecumenical team of women and men under the leadership of His Grace Kenneth Richards, Catholic Archbishop of Kingston, the Antilles Episcopal Conference, together with Mr. Gerard Granado, General Secretary of the Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC).

Throughout the Biblical narrative of salvation, an unmistakable motif is the unrelenting determination of the Lord to form a people whom He could call His own. The formation of such a people, united in a sacred covenant with God, is integral to the Lord’s plan of salvation and to the glorification of His name. The prophets repeatedly remind Israel that their covenant demanded that relationships among its various social groups should be characterized by justice, compassion and mercy. Reconciliation often demands repentance, reparation and healing of memories.

As Jesus prepared to seal the new covenant in His own blood, His earnest prayer to the Father was that those given to Him by the Father would be one, just as He and the Father were one. When Christians discover their unity in Jesus, they participate in Christ’s glorification in the presence of the Father, with the same glory that He had lived in the Father’s presence before the world existed. Therefore, God’s covenanted people must always strive to be a reconciled community that serves as an effective sign of how to live in justice and peace for all the people of the earth.

Today, the Bible continues to be a source of consolation and liberation, inspiring Christians to address the conditions that currently undermine the Body of Christ. The Church, like Israel, is called to be a sign and an active agent of reconciliation.

The resource materials for the annual celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are prepared by the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement ministry, Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute (GEII). When available, items may be purchased at their secure website The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere from January 18-25 each year.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity began as an eight day period of prayer called the Church Unity Octave here at Graymoor established by founders of the Society of the Atonement, Mother Lurana White, SA, and Servant of God Father Paul of Graymoor. Fr. Tom Orians, SA, Associate Director of Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute (GEII) emphasizes its importance explaining, “As Christians pray and work together in seeking to bring about Christian Unity one discovers just how important this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is for our world today.”



Monday, 15 January 2018 at St Oswalds, 6:00 PM

Tuesday, 16 January 2018 at Limbrick Wood Baptist Church, 7:00 AM

Wednesday, 17 January 2018 at St James, 8:00 AM

Thursday, 18 January 2018 at Our Lady of the Assumption

Friday, 19 January 2018 at St John Vianney, 7:00 PM

Saturday, 20 January at St Andrews, 8:00 AM

Sunday, 21 January 2018 at Limbrick Wood Baptist Church, 6:30 PM – United Evening Prayer and Praise Service for the Week of Prayer for the Christian Unity.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands is looking for Volunteers

to become Independent Custody Visitors

Do you have 2-3 hours to spare each month to volunteer as an Independent Custody Visitor, visiting police custody sites to check on the health and wellbeing of people who have been detained in custody?

Can you communicate well with a diverse range of people?  Do you work well in a team? Do you have a general interest in people and care about their wellbeing?

Would you be confident in raising issues or concerns if you had to?

If you can say yes with confidence to these questions, then you could be what we are looking for.

We are recruiting NOW for Independent Custody Visitors in Oldbury, Perry Barr, Coventry, and Wolverhampton.


What’s in it for you?

Learn and experience something new

Do something that is out of the ordinary

Learn new skills / improve existing skills

Meet new people and share an interest

Make a positive contribution to a fair and just society for all


For more information please visit:


If you would like to speak to someone informally please call Sarah Matta on (0121) 626 6060

News and Scam Alerts from Coventry Trading Standards – 14 November 2017

In this issue:

Prosecution news: Jail for rogue trader who targeted Coventry pensioners

YasinThree rogue traders pleaded guilty to offences under Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations following an inspection into roofing work at the home of an elderly couple in March 2016.

The plight of the pensioners, both in their 90s, only came to light thanks to the vigilance of staff at the city centre branch of the Coventry Building Society. They raised concerns with Trading Standards after the brother, a veteran of World War II and his sister had been escorted to the branch by one of the traders, Nadeem Yasin, to withdraw nearly £7,500.00 to pay for roofing work being undertaken at their home.

The picture is Nadeem Yasin outside Coventry Magistrates Court after a previous hearing in January 2012 for similar offences.

Read more…

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Alcohol Awareness Week … and the perils of cheap vodka

alcoholTrading Standards is supporting Alcohol Awareness Week.

​The event runs all this week and is part of a national campaign to talk more about the stigma around alcohol abuse, addiction and the effects on people who drink too much and those close to them.

The Public Health Team has recently commissioned a Drug and Alcohol community service, which will be run by the organisation Change, Grow, Live.

The service is part of Public Health’s work to tackle substance abuse in the city, support victims and reach out to vulnerable people in Coventry. You can find out more about the service on their website.

In recent national Trading Standards news, the dangers of buying cheap vodka have been highlighted following a prosecution from North East Lincolnshire Trading Standards.

The fake vodka came to the attention of Trading Standards officers last year when a woman said a bottle of Chekov vodka she had bought for £10 smelled of screen wash and she became ill for a number of days after drinking it.

Investigations later showed the alcohol in the bottle exceeded permitted levels and was also found to contain an organic agricultural chemical.

Read more…

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Warning: Whapsapp Asda voucher scam

asdaTrading Standards is warning Whatsapp users to be on their guard for a scam message doing the rounds.

The message tells WhatsApp users that, to celebrate Asda’s 68 anniversary, the retailer is offering everyone a free £250 voucher.

All you need to do is click on a link and fill in your details.

There are two tell-tale signs the scam is fake: the spelling and grammar mistakes and, if you manually type in the supposed url mentioned in the offer ( ), you will see that the page does not exist on Asda.

Trading Standards advise people to avoid unsolicited links in messages, even if they appear to come from a trusted contact.

Action Fraud, the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cyber crime, suggests anyone who has fallen victim to this scam to report it online or call 0300 123 2040.

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Will Aid Month

willNovember is Will Aid Month in the UK. 

The scheme provides cheaper access to legal services for writing a will. People can have their will written up or amended by a participating solicitor in exchange for a donation to one of several approved charities 

Recommended suggested donations are £95 for a single will and £150 for a basic pair of mirror wills.

 For more information go to

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Aldi Recall: Clancey’s Barbecue Flavour Coated Peanuts

Aldi is recalling its Clancy’s Barbecue Flavour Coated Peanuts because they contain cashew nuts, which are undeclared on the label. 

Product: Barbecue Flavour Coated Peanuts
Brand: Clancy’s
Pack size: 200g
Best before end: 07/2018
Batch code: 7292 7291 

Advice: If you have bought the above product and have an allergy to cashew nuts, do not eat it. Instead return it to the store from where it was bought.

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aldi peanuts

We provide a safe place where we can be ourselves, enjoy good fellowship, growing as believers, sharing, praying, studying and discussing the bible together.

Meetings start at 7.30pm every Wednesday!

Informal gathering for the women of the church to get to know each other better, enjoy hot drinks, sometimes enjoy games, quizzes, sing-songs, crafts, and have a ‘thought for the evening’.


Every Wednesday from 9am Limbrick Wood Baptist Church is open for a free cuppa, friendly chat with a biscuit… toast… or even some other delicious treats that have been donated.

The Café is run by volunteers from the church and funded by the church and other local organisations including the ‘Good Neighbours Project’.

Everyone is welcome!

  • Free Tea and Coffee
  • Free refreshments
  • Friendly chat
  • Puzzles, craft and games
  • Outdoor spaces including our new playground
  • Other seasonal activities

Kidz Klub exists because we think Kids are amazing! God loves children just as much as adults and we believe that God wants to share his amazing love with them. The Kidz Klub team are desperate to see the kids of Coventry with a smile on their face and for them to know they are loved and made for a purpose.

For more info please see their website:

Team Leader: Sarah Adamson
Contact number: 07890 868390
When: Tuesday afternoons
Times for team: 3.30pm (set up) or 4.30 – 7.30pm
Times for kids: 5.00 – 6.15pm