Our last 4 week mini-series ‘Pliancy‘ has taken us up to the end of June where we prayed we might be able to open our church buildings again.
As church leaders around the country consider some guidance finally released by the Government, there are understandably lots of things to consider to make our buildings and how we function in them safe places. This will more than likely be a step-by-step process as we see what happens once lock down restrictions are eased.
As we take the next steps ourselves we will launch another 4 week mini-series this Sunday to take us through July, where we will hopefully have a clearer picture of things as we enter into August.
More details about service formats and how everyone can engage safely with these services will be announced later this week following a church leaders / advisers meeting.
Please keep a look out on this website, as well as our Social Media platforms – look for LIMBRICKWOODBC on all platforms.