Reading taken from Genesis 3 (Have it read to you)
Our new series is called REPURPOSE – the idea came from a word taken from our previous #GO! series (listen here) and that week was also entitled #GO!: REPURPOSE
The message had such a powerful impact that it really demanded more than one week – so over the next 9 weeks we will explore how we can be robbed of purpose (by both good and bad things) and how we can seek God out and repurpose our lives. The bible tells us we have a cunning enemy that seeks to destroy God’s people and not only does he want to stop us from finding our purpose but to try and stop us from fulfilling our purpose when we find it.
This fits in really well with our Motto Verse for 2019 and should increase our motivation for justice and righteousness (listen to our Motto Verse message here)
If you have any questions from the message today, or would like prayer as a result of things you hear, please contact us, we would love to pray for you.