The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.

This week we conclude this series with SELF-CONTROL and a recap on the rest of the fruit.


During the video Darren reminds us of a file you can download of over 100 Promises of God – we have given you 108 in total – click this link to download our PDF


Click here for more videos in this series.




The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.

This week we consider gentleness as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. Like Kindness when Gentleness is manifest in us – it leads people to repentance.


Click here for more videos in this series.




The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider the redemptive work of patience as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. God’s patience and kindness draws us to put our trust in Him alone as our Saviour, as we repent, turn from going our own way and going His way, we too can exercise patience with each other.


Click here for more videos in this series.




The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider what the Fruit of the Spirit looks like compared to the Gifts of the Spirit, and how these are both rooted in love, and demonstrated to us by Jesus Himself.


Click here for more videos in this series.



Reading taken from James 1:1-27 (Have it read  to you)

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Reading taken from James 5:13-20

I mention a video near the start of the message – you can see the video here:

– Visiting Speaker Darren Burgess (Coventry City Mission)

Reading taken from James 5:1-6