Reading taken from Matthew 19:16-30 (Have it read  to you)

Welcome to Week 01 of our new 4 part series to inspire us that with God: Anything’s Possible.

During the message this week there are several illustrations that may not come across clearly through the audio recording, please find some resources below to help you engage further with the message.


Video of the demonstration at the start of the message:


Illustration used towards the end of the message:


Bible Verses used in the message this week

Matthew 19:16-30 / Ephesians 3:20 / Matthew 7:13 (New Living Translation NLT) / Matthew 23:24 / Matthew  7:3 / Matthew 5:3 – for further stud read through Chapters 5 to 7


If you have any questions from the message today, or would like prayer as a result of things you hear, please contact us, we would love to pray for you.