He Has Risen song – Co-lab
(Finished – more coming soon)


Over this last week we invited you to join together on a song col-lab for Easter Morning – we didn’t realise how the technology might fight us!

Some have managed to get something over to us and others have struggled, so below we have put some simple steps together below to help us hopefully get something together that I can edit later today.


Whatsapp instructions:

  1. If you have Whatsapp open it up
  2. Play the song below on another device, like a laptop or a computer (as quietly as possible or with headphones in)
  3. Record yourself via Whatsapp video
    1. Make sure phone is landscape (same way around as your TV)
    2. You can just record the chorus if that is easier for you
    3. Send video before 8pm tonight


Phone Camera instructions:

  1. Open your phone camera and make sure the phone is landscape (same way around as your TV)
  2. Play the song below on another device, like a laptop or a computer (as quietly as possible or with headphones in)
  3. Record yourself and email the file
    1. If it is a large file send it via www.wetransfer.com – it is entirely free to use this.

Play this video: