Reading taken from Revelation 12:7-11 (Have it read  to you)

Our new series is called REPURPOSE – the idea came from a word taken from our previous #GO! series (listen here) and that week was also entitled #GO!: REPURPOSE

The message had such a powerful impact that it really demanded more than one week – following on from last week, we dig a bit deeper into being released from the power and authority that comes from BLAME and how the enemy uses this as a key weapon in shutting us down. We also briefly look at WOUNDS which go hand in hand with BLAME and why it is so important that we don’t leave WOUNDS to fester and entrap us with a culture of fear.

This new series fits in really well with our Motto Verse for 2019 and should increase our motivation for justice and righteousness (listen to our Motto Verse message here)

If you have any questions from the message today, or would like prayer as a result of things you hear, please contact us, we would love to pray for you.