Pastor John preaches from Psalm 46

The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider faithfulness as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. It is only when we understand the complete faithfulness of God and what He is faithful in, that faithfulness can be born in us.

Towards the end of the video Darren mentions a file you can download of 100 Promises of God – we have given you 108 in total – click this link to download our PDF


Click here for more videos in this series.




The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider goodness as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. Culturally this word has lost its meaning in our modern language and has been replaced by words like tolerance – we need to relearn the morality of true goodness.


Click here for more videos in this series.




The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider the redemptive work of patience as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. God’s patience and kindness draws us to put our trust in Him alone as our Saviour, as we repent, turn from going our own way and going His way, we too can exercise patience with each other.


Click here for more videos in this series.




The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider the active outworking of peace as part of the Fruit of the Spirit. Jesus gives us His peace, but what does this peace look like?


Click here for more videos in this series.



The title of this series is called: Being Jesus, and this is loosely based around the FRUIT of the Spirit, note fruit is a singular term.


This week we consider what the Fruit of the Spirit looks like compared to the Gifts of the Spirit, and how these are both rooted in love, and demonstrated to us by Jesus Himself.


Click here for more videos in this series.



Reading taken from Psalm 24 – (Have it read to you)


“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
Matthew 5:8

#BLESSED: To have inner peace, quiet contentment and joy in the knowledge of being right with God. This is what being blessed is like!


To live a life that is dedicated to and pleasing to God, free from hypocrisy, full of love and grace, full of wisdom and discernment.

Reading taken from Psalm 67


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.”
                                                                             Matthew 5:6

BLESSED    –     To have inner peace, quiet contentment and joy in the knowledge of being right with God.            This is what being blessed is like!


To live a life that is dedicated to and pleasing to God, free from hypocrisy, full of love and grace, full of wisdom and discernment.

Reading taken from Psalm 37:1-40


Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.”
                                Matthew 5:5

BLESSED    –     To have inner peace, quiet contentment and joy in the knowledge of being right with God.            This is what being blessed is like!


To live a life that is dedicated to and pleasing to God, free from hypocrisy, full of love and grace, full of wisdom and discernment.